In 1899, the newsies of New York are in uproar. Joseph Pulitzer (Robert Duvall) of the New York World has raised the price of his newspaper, and the newsies ain't gonna stand for it! Led by kid outlaw Jack Kelly (Christian Bale), AKA "Cowboy", the newsies decide to go on a strike until their demands are filled- a strike filled with lots of singing and dancing!
One of the major strikes against Newsies is the music. Not that it's bad, mind you- the songs by Jack Feldman and Disney regular Alan Menken are fantastic- it just simply doesn't fit. The songs don't flow with the story, seem to come out of nowhere and are often completely arbitrary (the film wasn't originally planned as a musical, and it shows), and the actors singing them are untalented. The choreography is good, but the way he film is shot prevents the viewer from getting a good look at most of the dancers. It's worth noting that the problems with the music are mostly fixed in the 2012 stage musical version of Newsies, and I recommend listening to the soundtrack of that version to get a feel for how the songs were meant to be heard.
Newsies' casting is mostly a mixed bag. Bill Pullman and Ann-Margret play supporting roles, but Ann-Margret's role is completely superfluous, and Pullman's is only marginally less so. Robert Duvall is quite entertaining as the over-the-top villain, Pulitzer, but he isn't really given enough to do, and neither is Bale- who had already established himself as a talented actor prior to this film, yet displays little of that talent here. Newsies is saved by its supporting cast- mediocre singers they may be, but actors like Marty Belafsky (as "Crutchy") and Gabriel Damon ("Spot Conlon") are immensely fun to watch.
It's not a great movie, but if you're looking for a good way to spend 90 minutes, Newsies will do. It's fun, light, catchy, and - listen up, ladies - full of attractive teenage boys.
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